Three Ways Acupuncture Can Support Fertility Treatment

Your doctor suggested you get acupuncture for fertility as part of your IVF cycle. Why?

Here are three ways they use acupuncture to support you during your fertility treatment:

Increase blood flow to the ovaries and uterus.

When acupuncture needles are placed in the skin, they affect the nervous system and prompt the blood vessels to dilate. This allows for an increase in blood flow to the reproductive organs. As the blood inundates the uterus, it may help thicken the endometrium or uterine lining, which is essential for implantation and may benefit ovarian function.

Reduce stress.

The family-building journey can be emotionally challenging. Research confirms infertility patients experience significant stress while trying to conceive. Acupuncture encourages the body to release the body’s own natural painkillers called endorphins. Endorphins are an excellent biochemical stress reliever! Patients often report feeling more empowered and able to cope when they add acupuncture to their IVF cycle.

May improve your chances.

Having a healthy baby is the goal and adding acupuncture to your IVF may improve your chances of success. It appears best to begin acupuncture before you start your IVF cycle. A recent study found that 14 acupuncture treatments added to an IVF cycle were associated with more live births and fewer biochemical pregnancies. The treatment included 12 sessions prior to egg retrieval and two treatments on the day of embryo transfer.

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 ORM Fertility

Providing world-class delivery of reproductive and genomic medicine in the most caring environment, while remaining accessible to individuals and families who want to become parents.
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